

welcome to my website! Being a certified psychotherapist and child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist, I’m running a private practice in Prague 5 – Smíchov, near the metro “Anděl”.

The practice is closed in the following dates:
8.-9.2.2024 a 28.2-1.3.2024

The capacity of the practice is currently (12/2023) fully booked, unfortunately no new patients can be admitted.

When suffering from symptoms of the virus infection (fever, runny nose, cough, fatigue, headache or joint pain), please excuse yourself from the personal visit and book an online appointment or a personal visit in another term.

individual therapy

Individual therapy is the most common method of psychotherapy. In psychodynamic psychotherapy (where gestalt psychotherapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy belong as well), it’s orientation is towards understanding of the deeperunconscious contexts of current difficulties. The aim is to understand, how is the, often unresolved past, contributing to the present troubles. Being aware of the previously unconscious, it broadens our options for change and enhances our personal growth. The ultimate goal is not only the alleviation of the symptoms, but improving the overall level of functioning and sense of life satisfaction as well.

Because children express themselves best in play, “play therapy” (drawing, toys) is used. In adolescents and adults, “talking therapy” takes place.

couples and marital therapy

Couples and marital therapy and counseling are an effective tool for helping couples in crisis. By discovering unconscious expectations, needs or feelings, sometimes expressed only in the behaviour, the therapist helps the partners to be more aware of themselves. This contributes to a new quality of communicating and enhances the ability to express things more on a verbal instead of behaviour level. The result can be then a resolution of the crisis.

family therapy

Family therapy plays a significant role in the therapy of mental disorders in children and adolescents, hence the youngest members of the family are the most vulnerable ones in their psychological and physical functioning.

Thus, the unexpressed and often unconscious internal conflicts of adult family members, can manifest in problematic behaviour or feelings of younger members.

Family therapy aims at awareness and expression of the difficulties of individual members and understanding of the interaction at the family level. The symptom can then be transferred from the child back to the area of family relationships, with which family therapy can continually work.

It is commonly recommended in child and adolescent psychiatry, basic indications are conduct disorders, eating disorders and a broad area of preschool psychiatric problems.